OPS105 Practice Test

What's new

  • Feb 18: Initial release

Download VMs


  • Bring packages on both VMs up-to-date.

  • Install packages:
    • On Node: curl, dnsutils, iputils-ping, tree, vim, wget and other command line based packages you like.
    • On Gateway: curl, dnsutils, iputils-ping, nftables, tree, vim, wget and other command line based packages you like.
    • You may install additional packages on each VM as long as overall disk size does not exceed 10GB because disk size is restricted to 10GB max.

  • On both VMs add secondary network interface cards and configure them to have static IPs for a CIDR/30 network
    • Use the VM with hostname gwp for gateway and the VM with hostname ndp for node.
    • Configure network so node depends on gateway for all its traffic to and from the Internet.
    • Configure gateway to be the router for node.

  • Use network address to configure the network such that the gateway VM acts as a router for the node VM. Your network setup should handle these configurations:
    • a transient network - meaning existing network setup, if any, does not exist after rebooting any or both VMs.
    • a reboot persistent network - meaning existing network setup, if any, exists even after rebooting any or both VMs.

  • Create an unpriviledged (non-root) user:
    • Match username to your MySeneca username.
    • Make your MySeneca-named user on both VMs.
    • Login as your MySeneca-named user on both VMs.
    • After your network is setup, ensure:
      • Student VPN is running on your host operating system (Windows).
      • Your MySeneca-named user can ssh to matrix.senecapolytechnic.ca from node.
      • Your MySeneca-named user can ssh to matrix from gateway as well.
      • You can ssh in to matrix from node; should only be possible when gateway is up and running.

Practice Test completion checklist

  • Off-campus: Student VPN should be started up and connected before booting up your VMs
  • Using your MySeneca-named user account, login at least once on both VMs.
  • Verify that node has no Internet when gateway is switched off.
  • Using ssh ensure you can login to matrix from both node and gateway when Student VPN is running on your host operating system (Windows or macOS).
  • Download directory notes from user mark.fernandes on matrix (directory notes is a sub-directory to ops105 of user mark.fernandes).

Suggested additional practice

  • Play around using different CIDR/30 network addresses that are multiples of 4, for example: using network internal address 192.168 with sub-nets like: 25.4/30, 25.40/30, 25.56/30 and 25.64/30.
  • Play around with a mix of transient and permanent settings between node and gateway, for example: setup Node to be permanent but gateway to be transient or the other way around.
Last Updated: 2025-Feb-18 Tue 14:54