OPS105 Addenda

Tentative Weekly Schedule: Winter 2025

Week Topic Reading Assessment Weight
1 Intro to CLI Access to matrix Quiz 1 max 4%
2 Install and configure Ubuntu Debian Reference Begin Labs 20%
3 Abs/Rel pathnames; permissions matrix notes: wk 2,3 Quiz 2 max 4%
4 Static IP: transient+permanent course website wk 4 Quiz 3 max 4%
5 2 VM Transient CIDR/30 network course website wk 5 Quiz 4 max 4%
6 2 VM Permanent CIDR/30 network course website wk 6 Quiz 5 max 4%
7 Regex. Review. Project Specs Practice Midterm Quiz 6 max 4%
8 Practical Midterm matrix notes: wk8 Midterm 20%
9 UGO File/Dir permissions; sudo matrix notes: wk9 Quiz 7 max 4%
10 Bash shell: init and scripting matrix notes: wk10 Quiz 8 max 4%
11 Project matrix notes: wk11 Project 20%
12 Bash sub-shells for automation matrix notes: wk12 Late Project  
13 Review matrix notes: wk13 Final Exam 20%
14 Labs + Late Project   Labs Due  

Assessment Summary

  • 20% Labs
  • 20% Midterm
  • 20% Project
  • 20% Quizzes
  • 20% Final Exam

Course Policies

Promotion Policy

  • To obtain a credit in this subject in OPS105 Winter 2025, a student must:
    • Achieve a grade of 50% or higher in the overall course
    • Achieve a weighted average of 50% or higher on the practical midterm and the practical project
    • Achieve a weighted average of 50% or higher on the final exam and quizzes

Project Policy

  • Term project is comprised of two stages - research and demonstration:
    A CIDR/29 network configuration is given. This is done so the steps to complete a given configuration is well understood and can be done at the time of demonstration quickly, correctly, and efficiently.
    Project demonstration
    To quickly and correctly configure two minimal Ubuntu virtual machines to the new project specifications that are only made known (synchronously, in-person, and on-campus) at the time of the project demonstration. The changes to or the additional new specifications are within the specification context of the project research stage.
  • The overall project grade is based on completing research and demonstration configurations correctly, efficiently, and to the given specification.
  • Incomplete, non-working, or very late project submissions get no academic credit.

Policy for Quizzes

  • Professors decide the number and weight per quiz within the overall 20% quiz assessment.
  • Quiz schedule and weight per quiz posted above are suggestive.
  • Quizzes missed get no academic credit.

General Policies

  • Timings posted are local to Toronto (EST/EDT) time.
  • Details of an evaluation item (quiz/test/exam) are posted to Blackboard Announcements and sent to MySeneca student email simultaneously.
  • Usually most evaluations (including the Final Exam) are done asynchronously yet a professor may choose to override the mode and manner of the evaluation. This means some professors may choose to have all or some of their evaluations done on-campus, in-person, synchronous. Asynchronous evaluations (labs, quizzes, midterm, project, and final exam) usually have at least 24-hour time window from when the item was available to when the item was due.
  • Some evaluation items (VMs for doing the practical midterm and project) must be downloaded synchronously in-person and on-campus during class time. Late penalties can apply when the VMs are not downloaded during the assigned class time.
  • Some items may have late penalties but others may not, for example: a late quiz, if it is still available, may only be eligible for grade C (max) but the final exam MUST be completed and submitted before its deadline.
  • The number of quizzes done during the semester may vary from the number posted in the addenda above but the overall weight given to quizzes (20%) stays the same.
  • Weeks assigned for Practical Midterm, Project, and Final Exam were based on addenda of previous semesters.
  • There is no make-up after the submit process for that item has been removed.
  • Unless explicitly stated, all academic term work (labs, quizzes, midterm, project, and final exam) are to be done individually.
  • To protect against violations of Seneca's Academic Integrity Policy for OPS105 academic work, submissions or submission attempts made for the purpose of grading may be continuously monitored to detect against tampering of or attacks against any OPS105 submission process, mechanism, policy, or framework.
  • When an incident occurs, an analysis is done by the professor teaching that section and suspect violators are reported to the academic integrity committee. If academic integrity committee found violations then sanctions in accordance with Seneca's Academic Integrity Policy are imposed and recorded. In some cases these sanctions may include suspension or expulsion from Seneca including notifications placed on student transcripts.

Academic Policies:

Last Updated: 2025-Jan-07 Tue 19:09