/* display_grades.c Author: Murray Saul Date: April 1, 2008 Purpose: To demonstrate reading data from a file */ #include #include #define NAME_SIZE 80 +1 #define STD_NUM_SIZE 11 + 1 #define CODE_SIZE 6 + 1 #define GRADE_LETTER_SIZE 3 + 1 main() { FILE *fp_in; FILE *fp_out; char name[NAME_SIZE]; char studentNumber[STD_NUM_SIZE]; char code[CODE_SIZE]; char grade[GRADE_LETTER_SIZE]; fp_in = fopen ( "grades.dat", "r"); fp_out = fopen ( "grade_report.txt", "w"); printf ("Here is proof from reading the file grades.dat:\n\n"); if ( fp_in == NULL ) { printf ("Error: the file grades.dat does not exist\n"); exit (1); } else if ( fp_out == NULL ) { printf ("Error: the file grade_report.txt could not be opened\n"); exit (1); } else { while ( fscanf( fp_in, "%[^;];%[^;];%[^;];%[^\n]\n", name, studentNumber, code, grade) == 4) { if ( strcmp ( grade, "A+") == 0 ) { printf ("%-20.30s%-5s\n", name, grade); } fprintf (fp_out, "%s/%s/%s/%s\n", name, studentNumber, code, grade); } } printf ("\n\n"); fclose(fp_in); fclose(fp_out); } /* End of main program */